Entertainment News : 'The Walking Dead' Season 2, Episode 2 Recap

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'The Walking Dead'['The Walking Dead' - 'Secrets']

So ... for as much as I enjoyed the slow pace of last week's episode, especially when contrasted to the ridiculousness of the end of last season, I have to say: OK, I get it. This isn't last season. We're taking it slow!

So, yes, Sophia is still lost in the woods. And the group is still looking for her. There's your recap, folks! Hope you enjoyed it!

Kidding. And that's not to say that I don't like what's going on. I mean, yes, Carl was shot, so now we have a missing child and an injured child. It's all about the children! (Also, is it wrong that I keep wanting to refer to Carl as Bran?)

We did get to see a flashback of Shane informing Lori that Rick had been shot -- which went down pretty much like you would imagine, so I have no idea why we, as an audience, really needed to see that play out. Then Lori told Carl. We didn't hear what she told him, but Carl started to cry. I can only assume that Lori simply told Carl that his father had been shot, or that she said something along the lines of, "someday soon, you will be shot, too." Which, I doubt, but that would make me cry, too. But other than that, what is there really to talk about? Oh, yeah: AIDS.

Boy, that was a weird conversation, right? Poor Rick, just stepping out on the porch to get some fresh air while his son is in critical condition -- maybe shake off the wooziness from the blood transfusion. Oh sure, some small talk with the kindly doctor veterinarian doesn't sound like a bad idea. I mean, this is the man who gives Bran (dammit, there I went and did it – I'm not going to correct it, I'm just going to leave it there for the world to see as an example of my foolishness) his only chance of survival. It wouldn't be the worst thing to know what makes this guy tick.

"So, pretty crazy with all of these monsters trying to eat us, right?" I paraphrase, but that seems like a reasonable topic of discussion by Rick, considering current events and all. "Yeah, it reminds me of AIDS." Wait, what? How in the world does this at all remind anyone of AIDS? OK, look, I kinda get what he was saying, but to not see the difference between a disease that can kill you and a disease that causes you to want to eat me is ... actually quite remarkable.

What else? Let's see ... oh, yeah, there's poor T-Dog who has a nasty blood infection. You know, he has a pretty good attitude about the whole situation, all things considered. When he started laughing about his predicament, I actually could relate. I was in a bad auto accident once (I'm fine!) that involved the car that I was in overturning down an embankment. After the ambulance arrived and I was strapped to a gurney, one of the EMT's yelled, "Hey, there's a brown recluse spider on his chest, get it off of him!" And, yes, I laughed. As blood was gushing from my head, I honestly thought that was the funniest thing that I had ever heard. I survived an overturned car, but I was going to die from a spider bite. Thankfully, Merle had a tendency to get the clap, so T-Dog found his antibiotics. (Also, thankfully, I wasn't bitten by a brown recluse spider, in case you were on the edge of your seat there.)

The rest of the group: Well, they walked around in the woods. Oh, Andrea was attacked by a lone walker (every time, I can't help but wonder, what's that guy's story? Then I realize that he's just wandering around in the woods, too, and I'm already watching people do that). That was weird. I mean, it didn't seem like she had really wandered that far off from the rest of the group. And not even Daryl could save the day with a trusty arrow through the head. Daryl always saves the day with an arrow through the head. Instead, she needed the assistance of a baseball bat-wielding woman on a horse who has really good timing. After dropping Lori off at the house, perhaps she can show up next week just in time to help Shane and Otis with her magical baseball bat, because those two seem to be in a pickle. (Also, I love that now there is a character on this show named Otis.)

I get it. The show's budget was cut and there are a lot more episodes this season. So, yes, there's no urgency. But this is such a weird show because I'm not even sure what I'm rooting for. Just for the group to stay alive? I guess?

I mean, I don't think Daryl is going to stumble upon a cure for the epidemic in Merle's gonorrhea medicine bag, so I'm not rooting for any of these people to develop a cure. For as boring as the C.D.C. was last season, at least it was a destination. This season I don't even know where they're going, honestly. And when I write that sentence, sadly I'm not sure if I mean to direct that more at the characters or the showrunners.


You can contact Mike Ryan directly on Twitter.

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  • amc, the walking dead, the walking dead season 2

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