Palestinians to Build Mall in the Gaza Strip

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World News - The biggest mall in Palestine will be opened in mid-June in the Gaza Strip. This place is the second mall that opened in Gaza this year.

Palestinians to Build Mall in the Gaza Strip
In 2010, Palestinians open 2-story mall, in it contains a supermarket, clothes shops, hawker centers, cosmetic shops, children's playground and restaurant.
Building with three floors will be the first modern building to be built in Palestine, according to Executive Director mal exposure Ehab al-Issawi. As reported by, Tuesday, (05/24/2011).

Mall is located in the western part of Gaza City and the extent of approximately 3,000 square meters. Currently, construction of the building was almost finished, engineers and architects are working on Palestine in August 2010.

Work is still running even though there is a shortage of materials caused by the blockade of the Gaza Strip. The first floor mall that will be placed a supermarket that sells food and household furniture and stationery.

Meanwhile, the second floor of the store contains clothing, and souvenirs and the third floor is a restaurant and coffee shop equipped with modern, cinema and children's play facilities.

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